An Introduction to the Command-Line (on Unix-like systems)

by Oliver; 2014

8. Gently Wading In - The Top 10 Indispensable Unix Commands

Now that we've dipped one toe into the water, let's make a list of the 10 most important unix commands in the universe:
  1. pwd
  2. ls
  3. cd
  4. mkdir
  5. echo
  6. cat
  7. cp
  8. mv
  9. rm
  10. man
Every command has a help or manual page, which can be summoned by typing man. To see more information about pwd, for example, we enter:
$ man pwd
But pwd isn't particularly interesting and its man page is barely worth reading. A better example is afforded by one of the most fundamental commands of all, ls, which lists the contents of the cwd or of whatever directories we give it as arguments:
$ man ls
The man pages tend to give TMI (too much information) but the most important point is that commands have flags which usually come in a one-dash-one-letter or two-dashes-one-word flavor:
command -f
command --flag
and the docs will tell us what each option does. You can even try:
$ man man
However, as the old unix joke goes, this won't work:
$ man woman
No manual entry for woman
Below we'll discuss the commands in the top 10 list in more depth.